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Community Council

Join our Community Council as we create health and healthcare related advocacy action plans for government leaders, educational institutions, public health, and health organizations.

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About the event


Build 2 lead is a non-profit organization that works to build pathways and community voice in the systems of justice, education, and healthcare. The goal of the Community Council is to create a thorough report that produces data and advocacy action plans for government leaders, educational institutions, public health, and healthcare organizations.


Along with B2L Leadership and our P.O.W.E.R partners, the Community Council will work together using data from B2L P.O.W.E.R Listening Sessions to  compile, analyze, and organize solutions into the report and generate ideas for serving the healthcare needs of our BIPOC community. Are you interested in helping your community? Do you want to change the healthcare system to better serve all people? Join today to create meaningful change in our community!


Community Council Members should be invested community members who are able to work 2-4 hours per month and attend monthly meetings. We ask that new members commit to one year of service.





Stipend for attending meetings

$100 for General Members

$200 for Leadership Members

Laptops Provided

Professional Development Opportunities

Potential to be on Advisory Boards

Network connections with leaders and executives in the healthcare industry


Apply Today!



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