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April Civic Champions Program Updates

Build 2 Lead program Civic Champions is a course where high school aged youth learn about the power of advocacy within the various levels of government, the “School-to-Prison Pipeline,” the systems of education, healthcare, and criminal justice, and form Youth Executive Committees that assist in helping to launch and or facilitate restorative practices in participating partner schools.

Currently, there are two cohorts of Civic Champions at Thomas Jefferson High School and TAF@Saghalie.

Civic Champions students at TJHS learned:


Students watched a video describing a pilot program initiative started by a city mayor. Students spoke on the power of advocacy and the potential impact they can have on their own community. The students then shared other ideas of programs and initiatives that could be implemented in their own city to directly help problems that they see. Students discussed the availability of mental health services, school district policies, and college access. Students were also presented candidates and policies. They discussed the pros and cons of each candidate and their proposed policies.

Civic Champions students at TAF@Saghalie learned:


Students started diving into the content on healthcare. Students were slow to engage, but as the data and regulations were presented, the students began to engage. Students were first introduced to basic terminology within healthcare including those associated with insurance. Most expressed their disbelief in the system and shared their desire to make healthcare more accessible. Students began to discuss their own experiences before time expired. Students were adamant about continuing the conversation during the upcoming week.



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