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Build 2 Lead Direct Fall Programming Underway!

Build 2 Lead is excited to welcome their new students for the fall semester in programs that launched this month! Build 2 Lead direct programming focuses on social and emotional learning such as teaching students how to advocate for themselves in academic settings and for their communities in civic spaces, active listening and facilitation skills, and healthy coping strategies.

Civic Champions

We have already started our latest installment of Civic Champion programming! The students will be learning about the power of advocacy within the various levels of government, the “School-to-Prison Pipeline,” the systems of education, healthcare, and criminal justice, and form Youth Executive Committees that assist in helping to launch and or facilitate restorative practices in participating partner schools. Students Learn:

  • The Power of Advocacy

  • Government

  • Creating Policy

  • Restorative Practices

  • Leadership Skills

Closing the G.A.P.

Closing the G.A.P classes engage students in career and education curriculum focused on work development training. These students graduate with resumes, interview experience, business plans, and industry credentials. Outcomes include school completion (high school diploma or equivalent), retaining a job, and enrollment into post-secondary education or advanced training. Students learn:

  • Resume Building

  • Options for College

  • How to create a business plan

  • Personal Development

  • Earn Micro-credentials

  • Career Preparation

Reaching for Greatness

This after school program for middle and elementary school students will focus on topics like social/emotional strategy, financial literacy, leadership and character, and the power of advocacy. This program is FREE for students. Students participate in:

  • Social Emotional Learning

  • Financial Literacy Training

  • Outdoor Sports and Activities

  • Vision and Mission Building Workshops

  • Performing Arts and Poetry

  • Enrichment Activities

The start date for Reaching for Greatness has changed! This program will now start on December 4th, 2023 and go through May of 2024. There is still time to sign up!

Interested in learning more about B2L Programming? Visit our Event registration page!

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