Build 2 Lead is currently seeking applicants to join our board! Interested in making a difference in your community? Work with Build 2 Lead and help our organization grow!
Build 2 Lead’s (B2L) mission is to empower, engage, and educate – to lift collective skills and social capital amongst young people and their home communities so they can interact with, and advocate to change, the systems that historically limit them. We offer programming for youth, families, educators, and communities.
B2Ls' Board of Directors is the governing body overseeing the vision, mission, and internal operations of the organization. B2L’s members are elected for two-year terms. Board members hold overall fiscal and managerial oversight responsibility for B2L. They are charged with the supervision and oversight of B2L's mission. They are responsible for making decisions, delegating work, and assuring decisions are carried out as intended. Ultimately, board members serve as ambassadors for B2Ls’ mission, inside and outside of organizational commitments.
We are seeking the following positions:
Board Co-Chair
Board Member Coordinator
Board Member at Large
If you are interested in joining the board, check out the link below!