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Build 2 Lead Receives Washington State Microenterprise Association Grant for EntreLeadership Programming!

Build 2 Lead was the recipient of the Washington State Microenterprise Association (WSMA) Grant made by the Washington State Department of Commerce! The grant will fund the new program EntreLeadership, which is a fundamental entrepreneurship and leadership development program aimed at 16-24 year olds.

The purpose of the WSMA grant is to extend business training programs, technical assistance, and financing support to very small businesses and non-profits throughout Washington, especially those owned or run by members of historically marginalized communities.

Build 2 Lead is funded almost entirely by grants and donations. Grants like the WSMA help Build 2 Lead secure space, materials, and staff to run our programs.

Big shout out to the WSMA and the Washington State Department of Commerce for helping Build 2 Lead fulfill it's goal in serving the BIPOC youth and young adults in our community.

If you are interested in getting involved with Build 2 Lead, you can participate in many ways! Help B2L by volunteering, presenting, sharing grant leads, or donating today!

Check the link below to find out more!

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