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Build 2 Lead Shares Executive Board Report

On December 14th, Build 2 Lead shared it's Executive Board Report with it's committee members. The Executive staff has been working to provide more programming to students, families, and community members through grant proposals, marketing efforts, and on-the-ground recruiting.

Some of the highlights from the Board:

  1. Build to lead embarked on the first staff trip to the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals Symposium! It was a great learning experience as well as a team bonding opportunity.

  2. Build 2 Lead completed some critical first steps in achieving an articulation agreement with Green River College and their AAs Water/Wastewater Technology Program. Through our partner Roots of Success, Green River was able to begin a review of their curriculum and our outcomes related to our Closing theG.A.P program for consideration of offering youth prerequisite college credits upon completion of the “Closing the G.A.P.” program!

  3. We completed a successful virtual listening session on Nov. 14th. We had

  4. We held our first planning meeting for our 2nd annual “Melanin In Medicine” Black History Month Event. Our “Melanin In Medicine” event is dedicated to providing youth access to BIPOC healthcare professionals and entry level apprenticeship and career opportunities.

  5. Financial goals were shared. Build 2 Lead has several current grants that make up 100% of the funding for Build 2 Lead. Several other grants have been applied for and are awaiting responses. Build 2 Lead hopes to secure more grants and diversify our funding sources to better serve our community

  6. Students from our Civic Champions showed growth in students' overall comprehension and understanding of the critical systems that have historically dis-enfranchised BIPOC communities, based on surveys and comprehension.

We are excited for the upcoming year at Build 2 Lead. We look forward to serving and building more programming to reach our students, families, and communities as we grow our Executive board and work to get more diverse funding.

Thank you to all our Build to Lead Partners for their efforts in our organization!



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