Our P.O.W.E.R. Council Listening Sessions are coming up soon! Sign up today for one that works for you!
The sessions will be held throughout the community and open to community members with diverse lived experiences to share, connect, and inform the P.O.W.E.R Council's strategy and program design.
The B2L Legacy P.O.W.E.R Council partnership works with the community to develop a shared agenda and decision-making process that supports the development and implementation of solutions to better community health, increase economic opportunities, and forge stronger community connections.
Partnering with local health organizations, B2L is working to find advantageous pathways around health systems and healthcare career options.
The P.OW.E.R. Council Listening Sessions provide a space for community voices to meaningfully inform the P.O.W.E.R. Council's programs and strategies as we build pathways in programming, health and wellness initiatives, and career opportunities for BIPOC youth, young adults, and community members.
We are looking for diverse community members to share in honest and transparent conversations around their experiences in the systems of health, education, or criminal justice. Your voice will become part of the solutions