Students. Families. Communities. Systems.
It starts with students and leads to system-wide change. Build 2 Lead (B2L) has created programs that are developed to target all aspects of our community, from students and families, community members, educators and education systems, to governments and corporations.
STUDENTS. B2L programming creates space for young people to grow, engage, and enter our communities with leadership skills, financial literacy, activism, and an entrepreneurial spirit.

FAMILIES. B2L holds workshops, listening sessions, training, and resources for the greater BIPOC community. They create places for families and members of various communities to converge and build relationships, partnerships and a consistent bridge between the classroom and the community.
COMMUNITIES. B2L hosts conferences and cultural events in partnership with universities, corporations, and other nonprofits that provide access for the BIPOC community to engage in career exploration, educational experiences, and community bonding. Educators and education systems also partner with Build 2 Lead to access and build research-based curriculum and training for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) through a BIPOC lens.
SYSTEMS. B2L partners with local governments to offer opportunities for young people and to offer resources to restructure systems with an equity lens. B2L works to create space for emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for tomorrow.