Build 2 Lead is a P.O.W.E.R. building organization! B2L creates P.O.W.E.R. by collaborating with schools, businesses, health organizations, and governments to provide educational opportunities, community outreach, and power building initiatives to counter systemic and structural racism. We are looking for engaged community members to join our open opportunities to help create positive change!
B2L has several avenues for community members to get involved:
P.O.W.E.R. Council:

The P.O.W.E.R Council is comprised of healthcare organizations, community based partners, and independent BIPOC mental, behavioral health, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion consultants. Our goal is to become a community POWER building org. Power for us means Prosperity. Ownership. Wellness, Empowerment. And Resiliency. We aspire to work with the community to develop a shared agenda and decision-making processes that support the development and implementation of solutions to better BIPOC community health, more economic opportunities, and stronger community connections.
If you are a healthcare professional or health-related organization, consider joining the P.O.W.E.R. Council! We are looking for general members and executive members. Executive members receive a $7500 stipend!
To apply email, jbrown@build2lead.org
Community Council:

Build 2 Lead works to build pathways and community voice in the systems of justice, education, and healthcare. The goal of the Community Council is to create a thorough report that produces data and advocacy action plans for government leaders, educational institutions, public health, and healthcare organizations.
Along with B2L Leadership and our P.O.W.E.R partners, the Community Council will work to compile, analyze, and organize solutions into the report and generate ideas for serving the needs of our BIPOC community.
We are looking for engaged community members to join the Community Council! Click the link below to apply!
Restorative Practices Action Committee (RPAC)
Build 2 Lead is seeking educators and parents to help Build 2 Lead bring accountability to the discipline processes and restorative practices in K-12 educational institutions.
Mission (What we do): Our committee seeks to establish comprehensive pathways and processes to equitable discipline and restorative practices in K-12 educational institutions.
Vision: Our goal is to reduce recidivism and disproportionalities within the discipline data and processes at K-12 educational institutions, specifically for BIPOC youth.
If you are an educator or parent, consider joining the RPAC! Click the link below to learn more and apply!
B2L Board of Directors
We are currently looking for volunteers for our board positions. Build 2 Lead’s mission is to empower, engage, and educate – to lift collective skills and social capital amongst young people and their home communities so they can interact with, and advocate to change, the systems that historically limit them. We offer programming for youth, families, educators, and communities. We are looking for community members with passion and experience to help oversee and guide Build 2 Lead to fulfill its mission.
If you are interested in joining the B2L Board, visit the link below to check out the board member descriptions and apply!
Volunteer with B2L!
Help B2L build P.O.W.E.R in our community. Support, uplift, and empower students and families by volunteering at one of our events or programs!
Volunteers can help with events, programs, or be presenters and speakers at events! Sign up as a volunteer today and we can figure out the best way for you to help Build 2 Lead!